Coach and Psychotherapist
A doctor by background, I have worked for many years in and around the health
service, among others as a consultant in public health, an associate post-graduate
dean, and an associate of the Kings Fund. Because of my background I have
special expertise in supporting and developing healthcare professionals and
managers, but I am happy to say that I also attract people from many other areas
of work and have supported lawyers, musicians, bankers, teachers and would-be
cooks, dancers, and novelists!
I aim to be many things for my clients, but foremost I aim to be calm and kind,
creating a space where people feel safe and able to explore their challenges
without fear of judgment.
When people come to see me they are often at a low ebb, feeling overwhelmed
by work or personal pressures perhaps, unhappy in their role, anxious,
depressed or feeling less than adequate in the face of current challenges. My job
is to restore their faith in themselves; find new ways of thinking and doing
things; increase understanding of themselves and their situations; and enable
them to face the challenges they need to face, and make the decisions they need
to make, with a renewed self-awareness and confidence.
My style is flexible, using a range of approaches that reflect the areas that I have
experience in - including NLP, psychological type, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy,
and mindfulness. I tailor my approach to the person or group in front of me,
always aiming to support a person to tackle current challenges as well as
develop more broadly as an individual.